More than ever, we are all responsible for making our possible contribution to environmental protection!...
 At the beginning of our trade show presence at the K trade fair in Dusseldorf,...
At the 19th Drachenboot-Festival on June 20, 2019, which took place at the Hückeswagener DLRG-Station...
During his visit to the energy optimizer ONI, NRW Economics Minister Andreas Pinkwart learned how...
Both Federal Minister Svenja Schulze and Ursula Heinen-Esser, NRW State Minister for the Environment and...
ONI-Wärmetrafo GmbH turn-over was  88 Mio. Euros Not only the diesel scandal is the CO2...
LINDLAR - (wr) "Lindlar runs" the success story continues, on Friday, 24th of May, from...
Lindlar entrepreneur supports family of 13-year old handicapped girl. Lindlar - "That was the darkest...
2500 € for the “Meinerzhagener Tafel” a soup kitchen for the poor. The team of...
Yesterday we were at the training fair in Wipperfürth. On our "hot wire" ONI-Trainees could...
ONI in Lindlar is one of the most successful companies in Germany. There are situations...
"We seem to have hit the bull's eye with our new developments," said Wolfgang Oehm,...
Private Banking House Beerenberg in Frankfurt provided a worthy setting for the presentation of the...
Lindlar - ONI subsidiary in Saxony grows steadily, significantly increases sales and moves into new...
ONI improves the energy efficiency of temperature control, refrigeration and air conditioning systems Usage of...